Location:The Willows Wodonga Estate Lot 114 Myrtle Street, Yarrawonga
Home Design:Lloyd 25, Vista
Lot size:684.000 m2
Land ready to build:June 2025
Title registration is forecast for June 2025 on this block of land.
Disclaimer: Photographs on this web page may depict fixtures, finishes and features not supplied by Australian Building Company such as landscaping and swimming pools. Accordingly, any prices on this web page do not include the supply of any of those items. For detailed home pricing, please talk to a sales consultant.
House Dimensions
House Area (sq) 24.91sq
House Area (m2)231.39m2
House Length 23.27m
House Width 11.5m
7 star energy rating
Site cost allowance
Eaves to façade
Quality tiles to bathrooms, ensuite and laundry
Tiled shower base
Stylish stainless steel appliances
Ducted gas heating
Disclaimer: Photographs on this web page may depict fixtures, finishes and features not supplied by Australian Building Company such as landscaping and swimming pools. Accordingly, any prices on this web page do not include the supply of any of those items. For detailed home pricing, please talk to a sales consultant.
Find out more about the Lloyd 25, Vista package
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The Willows Wodonga EstateLot 114 Myrtle Street, Yarrawonga